TOP 5 Affiliate Marketing Mistakes for Beginners!

ODi Productions May 13, 2023
409 People Read
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Are you just getting started with affiliate marketing? If so, I'm a 10-year veteran in the industry and have made a ton of mistakes via trial-and-error on my journey to earning over $1 million in commissions.

Check out this episode from the "Affiliate Marketing Millionaire" podcast below where I detail the top 5 mistakes that affiliate marketing beginners make, and HOW to avoid them.

To listen to the podcast simply click HERE, or read the transcription below:

Kit 00:00

All right. Welcome back to another episode of affiliate marketing millionaire.  I'm Kit Fach joined as always by your host ODI productions and we’ve got some really exciting affiliate marketing stuff to talk about this week. So let's get into it.

Odi 00:13

All right. Welcome back, everybody. One apologize. We finally broke our streak of one episode per week, which we promise.

I think we kept it up for maybe three months. Pretty proud of that, but thank you guys so much for the continued support that thousands of downloads, even while we've been away.   just want to thank everybody for always tuning in and giving us great feedback, whether it's through reviews or through email.

Thank you guys so much for the kind words. So we want to jump right back in and talk about the top five, most common affiliate marketing mistakes and how to fix them because this is something that if you just.   this following advice, he will be better off than 90% of the people who are trying to make it in the of marketing.

And just like with any business model where the failure rate is somewhere around 90% in the first two, three years, then knowing this ahead of time is going to set you apart. So with that said, excited to jump in Kit, start us off. What is the first, the most common popular mistake with affiliate marketing for beginners and newbies.

Affiliate Mistake #1 Picking too Broad a Niche

Kit 01:20

Yeah, I definitely think it's just picking too broad of a niche. So, you know, you get into it and people just kind of have an idea. Oh, I'll just either they think I'll just go with, what's really expensive. I'll just do tech or I'll do, you know, everything, health, and wellness, but with so much content out there, you have to be niche.

And you're seeing that in everything and from stuff like in TV and movies, people are going for niche audiences, and it's the same with an affiliate marketing site. If you, as a smaller business, want to stand out, speak to a specific. You know, area of customer

Odi 01:50

Yes. A hundred percent. I see this mistake all the time.

It's the idea of like, do you start up a general store or do you create more of a specialty niche shop? So let me give you my own experience.   when I was first getting started and I was a newb, I went with kind of a more general niche and I did with recording It was meant to be everything home recording.

So we're talking about microphones, audio interfaces. Studio monitors, headphones. Okay. And I want to do everything that you'd find in a typical home studio. And that was the first iteration. It was my first thesis or hypothesis. Now it wasn't wrong because it did do somewhat successfully in terms of reviewing USB microphones.

Like I was one of those. People to really review and compare the Blue Yeti microphone and the Audio-Technica eighty, twenty, twenty USB microphones. And these are two of the most popular microphones even today for streamers, gamers, podcasters, et cetera.   so it's just kind of funny that these have been around for a long, long time, and they're still really, really popular today.

And you know, I see them in videos all the time now with that said, you know, if you've been paying attention to our last episodes, you know when really 10Xed it's when I went from home recording just to headphones and exclusively headphones. Now, part of this is. Because honestly, I didn't do any market research before I started recording.

Now, I just had a passion for home recording. I want to share it with people and I want to teach people. I mean, I spent so much time learning about things like acoustics and learning all the things about studio equipment and gear, and spending so much time on forums. And the thing is I wanted to find a way to monetize that.

And I, thankfully I found a film marketing because that's what allowed me to do that. But when you look at the data and you look at the views on the YouTube videos and you look at the sales on the Amazon associates, I realized very quickly, well, eventually that headphone. Was the 80 20 headphones was getting more views.

It was getting more sales. And honestly, with the same effort, it took to review something like an audio interface. Now, audio interfaces, you know, that's still an important product in any recording setup. But to be honest, there are a lot of people out there. Need headphones or use headphones that are not interested in audio interfaces and microphones because, well, everybody listens to music.

So headphones have a use case for not just let's say a home recording musician, but also.   anyone who enjoys music at home. So with that said again, I saw the numbers. I saw that headphone videos were just getting more views and I decided to double down triple down. And that's when recording now really, really grew and broke past the $1,000 per month, $2,003,000 per month,   and was making a full-time income.

And then I just focused strictly on headphones. Now there's another benefit to that is that, you know, as I review more and more headaches, Visitors and viewers start to really see me as a credible authority because I'm someone who is in a unique position where I'm comparing a lot of the most popular headphones, like for example, beats versus bows, which is really one of the big, you know, the two big brands at the time that was really going up against each other and probably still today.

And it's kind of unique because most people don't have both headphones that are like 300, $350.   most people are not able to be in the position to compare them without bias and to also have like, just a real experience of ownership of the two headphones. Luckily, because that was my job. It was a good investment for me to purchase those headphones.

And then there were other headphones that were in the 300, $400 range that were just gifted to me from these. Headphone companies in exchange for content and for a review. So I definitely agree. The number one mistake that I see for people coming in is too broad. They try and go after everything and they end up really capturing none of the markets because they're just not deep enough and they just don't stand out from the competition

And when you try and you know, you try and cater to everybody, it's really hard to please just that core target customer.

Kit 06:15

Yeah. And you, you mentioned authority, which I think is something to keep in mind, because if you, if you create a site and you say, well, I'm going to do everything in technology well, for your site to look legitimate, you're going to have to create so much content because you're going to have to have content on everything.

Because if you start a site and you say you do all these different things and you have three articles on.   Mac laptop and one pair of headphones. No, one's going to trust your site, but if you just have a very specific thing, headphones, gaming, laptops, something like that, you could much better establish yours.

Odi 06:48

A hundred percent. I mean, again, we see it all the time. People who, you know, they try to do everything and they go like a mile wide, but it's better to just go a mile deep into a one really specific niche. And if you're worried that your niche is not big enough, here's the upside you can always expand. And Google actually gives this advice.

I believe they have this like starter guide or this,   you know, kit for learning how to create good content. And they say that you can, you should always focus on the specific. Niche first. And then you can always expand later rather than, you know, if you were to start super broad and then dial in, which is what I did and it still works, but it's much better to just start,   try and get one specific piece of the market and really capture that and then expand to your second category.

Your third category, your fourth category after you've established that you can at least do.

Kit 07:43

Yeah. And I think your users can also, you know, your customers can also tell you maybe what area to expand into. You might not have considered it because if a lot of the same people are buying something and they start asking, Hey, I'm also looking for this to go with that.

You can start to get some ideas of, Hey, where to expand and actually heard the CEO of Microsoft the other day, talking about that. He feels like you have to get permission from your customers to expand. You do something. One thing really, really well. And then the customer has to give you the permission to go and expand and do something else.

So you start very niche and you can have a plan. You can say, Hey, I want to get to the higher ticket stuff, but I'm going to start with this thing. I know really well. And I'll learn as I, as I get there.

Odi 08:24

Yeah, I love it. And I do want to add to this with a concrete example I have from a, I was helping a large car slash automotive YouTuber with their affiliate marketing.

And the first thing I do is I look at the data and I just, you know, the first thing is to look for any sort of data and signals to give us a clue of what to do next. And the first thing we did is we fired up, you know, their affiliate programs and look at the products they were selling, how things were performing in relation to each other.

One of the most interesting, you know, sort of hidden gems we found was that a lot of their affiliate commissions. On Amazon was coming from car detailing products. And you know, this YouTuber had no clue obviously, they’ve had videos where they were detailing their car and they knew that they were selling some of these products through affiliate links, but they didn't know just how effective it was.

And it really was the 80 20. And that's where I'm really big on the data. And again, I think I got kind of lucky, but at the same time, You know, when I looked at my data and I saw that headphones were doing well, whether it's through the views, through the affiliate sales it still takes some courage and some execution to actually act upon that data.

And so the same thing with this automotive YouTuber, you know, we saw this car detailing. I'm like, let's double down on this. Let's create more content. And also let's create bundles. Let's create product bundles with car detailing. It's easy, you know, you can get things. There's wax. There are these microfiber claws, there's you know, Polish and all these things.

  you know, there's also pressure washers and stuff like that. You can get more expensive and high ticket like kids said, you know, you don't have to start high ticket because sometimes the signals. From they're very small. So like with headphones, my first pair of headphones I was reviewing was actually less than $50.

Then the second pair was like $50. It didn't start out with a 300, $400 Bluetooth premium headphones. It started off with literally like a $29, a cheap pair of studio headphones. So would that, it's the same thing with the. YouTuber and we were selling these detailing products that weren't expensive.

They were like $20 for a bottle. And basically, I was like, let's create a bundle. That's like closer to a hundred or $200 and it can be like a starter kit. And then you just create a video. That's like, Complete a beginner's guide to detailing your car and then using every single one of these products and then bundle it together, make it easy for the customer to purchase and then show them how to use it and why you need each of those pieces.

Like, you know, and one more example with that is if I was to recommend someone, a studio setup, it requires a lot of pieces. You know, whether it's a microphone, audio interface, maybe it's studio monitors, or studio monitoring headphones, maybe it's software, maybe it's digital.   you know, a digital audio workstation, you know, software plugins, you know, there's so much you can do, but make it easy for your customers to buy more products so that you can expand your revenue and, you know, just get more profitability per customer.

Affiliate Mistake #2 Waiting for the Perfect Time to Start

Kit 11:33

Awesome. All right. So that's mistake number one and big mistake number two is waiting to get everything perfect before.


Yeah, this is something that affects me a lot in my career because, you know, being that kind of a perfectionist, it really is more of a hindrance than like it actually helps. I mean, it's good in some cases to really help you go the extra mile.

But in a lot of cases, you just have. Having analysis paralysis and just like, you know, doing all this research and not actually taking action. That's like, that's probably one of the biggest mistakes, you know, doing research is great. Learning is amazing. It can save you months. If not years of frustration, not to mention gets you more results faster.

Efficiently, but there comes a time where everyone's going to have to turn you know, you're going to have to close the book and you're going to have to actually pick up the tools and start getting the work. There's no way around it. There's no cheating. The grind. Like you actually have to do work.

That's like the kind of the spoiler for a lot of people, they kind of think that they can just like dream about this stuff all day and then, you know, just imagine things. It's going to magically appear at their doorstep. No, you have to do hours and hours of work. You have to burn the midnight oil, you know, and at the end of the day,   you have to execute.

And if I had to think of like, what's a good split, you know, in terms of how much time should you spend planning, spend planning and learning and then taking action. I mean, I'd rather you spend 80% of your time taking action because you'll learn things through experience too. There are other teachers other than just YouTube videos, you're going to have to learn certainly.

Yeah on your own. And some of those things include, like getting discouraged and then still pushing through and having that conviction to believe that this is still an opportunity and you can make it happen. But when you're looking at the Google analytics and it says zero visitors in the last, you know, 30 days, and you're looking at your Amazon associates with zero sales, maybe a couple of clicks here and there, but zero sales, zero commission.

It's very. Very hard to overcome that. And most people don't, they quit. So if you can learn to overcome things like that, and also like, you need to learn to start taking action before having all the pieces in play. Like if you're someone who likes, I need the entire blueprint before I, take the first step business is going to be a rough, rough, rough road for you because there are certain things where you're going to have to take a leap of faith. You're going to have to risk, for example, paid ads. That's not something that like, Hey, you know, put down a hundred bucks, you're gonna make at least a hundred, if not 110, $120. No, it's basically put down a hundred bucks.

You'll probably lose all of it, but then you're going to have to have the persistence to try again and then to learn from your mistakes or get some data from your first campaign, what went wrong, what went right? And then try, try again. You know, with another experiment. 

Kit 14:28

Yeah. And I think maybe some people think, Hey, I'm going to get my website perfect.

"I spent all this time designing my website. I'm going to have 20 pieces of content. And I'm going to announce with this big fanfare", but nobody really cares when you announce, you know, it's better to just start putting your content out. That's the only way you're going to figure out what works and your content needs to age on Google anyway.

So. As quickly as you can get a professional-looking website up.   I know that's one of the reasons we were big, with Wizrd is that you can just get a professional-looking website. You aren't having to spend months trying to design that thing, but get it up, get your content out there, see how people react to it, and adjust because as long as it's just in your head, and I think when it's in your head, it's, it's definitely more comfortable because you can imagine that once I launched this, I'm going to start making sales and all these ideas live in your head.

But you really have to actually then go put something down on paper.

Odi 15:18

Yeah. When you're alive, there's no excuse anymore. You know, it's like, if you're not getting sales, you're not getting sales, but again, there's no fanfare with launching. People will think, oh, when they launched their website, it's going to be like hundreds of thousands of visitors are just going to show up from the ether.

It's not going to happen. Nobody remembers when companies like Twitter or Instagram launched, you know, I'm in. So like at the end of the day, big things start small. So get out there, get in front of customers ASAP that, you know, they call it an MVP. Honestly, with your website, your affiliate site makes an MVP, get in front of people.

If it's not perfect, if it sucks, Hey, you can make it better. Well, you can't make better is an idea. That is just like in your head, you know what I mean? It's very hard to improve something without feedback. You need feedback. And people think the only feedback out there is sales, but honestly, you can get a lot of feedback.

  do other measurements and other metrics, you know, whether it's the average time spent on your website, whether it's your bounce rate, you know, there are other metrics out there before sales, we're talking pre-revenue. Are still actionable and that you can still use to improve and move in the right direction.

So, yeah, I would say that spending too much time, like needing things to be perfect and waiting for the perfect time. Which kit, you know, when is the perfect time to start arguing? Yeah, exactly. I mean like, as it said, it tastes time to just index your site. So if you’re not looking at them the day, if it takes roughly six to nine months for your content to mature, according to some,   you know, SEO agencies and experts.

Then you need to get started yesterday if you want your stuff to rank a year from now or nine months from now. So that's why we're so big on, you know, you need to get out there ASAP. You need to take action, even if you're not perfect because at the very least, you at least get the clock ticking because if it, if that six to nine months or that one year for content to really, really start to get its benefits, then you need to start today.

If you want to take advantage of Q4.   this year of Q4 of 2022, you need to get started ASAP because it's almost November of 2021, which is. Mind-blowing how fast this year has gone and how close we are to the end. But,  again, as Kit said, the best time was literally yesterday or even 10 years ago.

 But we can't, you know, it's water under the bridge. Now, if you haven't started or if you're just starting, then you need to get that publishing velocity up ASAP. You need to start creating content. When you start distributing your website, getting backlinks and indexing on Google and growing your rating and authority ASAP.

Affiliate Mistake #3 Spending Money in the Wrong Places

Kit 18:01

So we just talked a little bit about the sort of wasting time. So now for the third one, we kind of go into wasting money, which is it's mostly spending money in the wrong places. And I also think saving money in the wrong places. So the look to the look to skimp on the wrong things and kind of overspend.

You know, I think w you know, something, a lot of people do is just way too expensive filming equipment. They literally, I knew people in college who were trying to get like Sony red cameras for simple, simple films. Like you don't need that. Just the execution is what matters.

Odi 18:32

Yeah. I want to add to that because of my experience in music production, it's the exact same thing. And I think the same with photography people get so obsessed with gear. Oh, I need this $6,000 camera set up with a, you know, this mirrorless, Sony DSLR. And then I also need this you know, Zeiss or G master lens. That's like 3000 bucks. Trust me, I've gone that set up. And honestly, I didn't really need it because I wasn't really a photographer or whatever.

 So I simply with music, I manual have people who are like, you need this $10,000  Sony C8 hundred G to record pop vocals at home. It's like, dude, are you, are you serious? Like, you know, microphone, preamps, which may be account for roughly 10. 20% of the actual final sound. And then these literally cost two to three grand for like the top of the line, you know, Neve Avalon I've owned an Avalon some 37, like, you know, these things, they're the day people love just blaming the gear. It's like, oh, the reason my recordings and my music suck is because I don't have a $10,000 home recording set up. No, it's probably because one, you don't know how to use what you have now. And two, maybe you don't have the talent to be honest. 

That's the hard truth. You listen to any musician or artists, they can play through a hundred dollar, you know, Squier guitar like John Mayer, for example, can play a hundred dollar you Squier guitar. And they can sound like a $7,000 PRS. Like it's not the instrument, it's the player. Trust me. That's the one lesson I learned in music is if you don't got it, you don't got it.

Yeah. You can kind of cover some things up with pros. Uh post-processing you know, we have auto-tune Melodyne stuff like that at the end of the. You either got it. Or you don't and if you got it, it doesn't matter if you record through an iPhone speaker or Mike, you're going to sound amazing. Now, speaking of I-phones, which you know now with the iPhone 13 pro and all that stuff, the camera and the 4k and the one 20 FPS.

Oh my goodness. I saw some footage. I've been saying this for a long time, by the way, guys, they all, you need your iPhone for. And this is back when the video was not 4k. It wasn't, you know, 60 FPS, all that stuff. Like it was really like, there was a clear difference between DSLRs and iPhone cameras back then.

Now, I don't know anymore, if there's much difference between DSLR. And the iPhone 13

Kit 20:53

I know like me, you have the iPhone 10. So I mean, my content's four years old, but you can shoot 4k on it and you have to go into settings to enable it because it's used so much battery. But if you do, it's really insane how clear it is.

And I filmed a few things at once and it's, it's way more than you need. So you don't need to sit there being like, well, and using that as an excuse. Well, I'm not going to film this YouTube video. I don't have perfect lighting or things like that. You can start to make that. You can start to make, you know, make, do, or you don't need to.

Some people spend all their money and time trying to create a real artsy-looking website where your website, isn't an art piece. You're not trying to sell it at a museum. You want it to be very useful. So you shouldn't be having to spend thousands and thousands of dollars just on the design part. You want a functional website and on the other side, you don't want to cheap out on the stuff that actually will help you.

Odi 21:44

Yeah, it's wild. How many people that I've spoken to, who've spent hundreds of dollars on things that are really not necessary when it comes to websites. I mean, I'm not going to name what this feature is, but it's an upsell from one of these web hosting companies. And I know the behind-the-scenes because I know someone who worked at one of these companies and told me it is literally just an upsell that doesn't really do anything.

Again, I'm not gonna name any names or say anything, but I knew this. That's why I actually am. Told people not to check this box and not to buy this upsell and this guy confirmed, or girl, you know, as a guy or a girl who knows, but this person confirmed to me that it really is just an upside. It doesn't, it does something, but it doesn't do what people think it does.

And I knew that because I was, you know, again, I like I was the expert and I, you know, I just knew that this stuff is just how companies make extra money. And again, you're spending hundreds of dollars a year for.   and it's just a complete waste of money. So it's just like, there are so many examples of that.

People buying some and hiring, you know, freelancers. I spent thousands of dollars for freelancers to set up my site and it's still, you know, it's still not great. It's still not there. It's just like, we've literally seen this firsthand from some of our friends who've hired, you know, outsourced freelancers to work on their WordPress site, et cetera.

Like, you know, all that stuff just makes us sick. Like, it's just. Stop wasting your money. Stop wasting your time. Like, you know, so that's tough.   now on the flip side, it's like there is software that's worth investing into, and I think of some of the SEO tools. Now, if you're a complete beginner, I don't think it's worth it for you to spend, let's say 100, 200, $300 a month on like AH refs, SEM rush, like Moz and stuff.

You can start with Google trends. Mangles is a cheaper SEO keyword research tool. Maybe.   yeah, like you don't need to spend hundreds. Cause I, trust me, I can think back to the day where I first discovered those tools and I saw the price in my, you know, my eyes watered. They were just like, oh my goodness, like $300 a month.

That's crazy. Like that's like a car payment and I'm getting to buy the software. But looking back, I realize why those, why those products charge what they charged, because they're to make more money, you know, you buy a car it's not necessarily, you know, unless you. To get to your job and you have no other alternative form of transport, or you don't have a car now, but like to just upgrade your car for no reason, other than like luxury, that's not going to make you money.

You're just going to lose money on that. Software is going to make you more. You need to start adopting that paradigm shift. If you really want to succeed in businesses, every dollar needs to go towards making your business better or more efficient or faster or saving you time. The moment where you're like, you know, you don't think of that money as being an investment.

You start to, you know  I mean, people spend how much on subscriptions every month, like for, you know, shows and for streaming services, et cetera, but like, don't want to spend $20 a month on their business that year, you know, look at the mirror. Like that's honestly very foolish. Do you want something again?

We go back to, we used to run this survey, asking people. What are your goals? How much money would make a positive impact on your life? Not like life-changing just like making a positive impact. I would say for me, I'd say, you know, if something gave me a hundred bucks a month, that's a positive impact. Why not?

I can buy, you know, I can buy food, I can pay off some, maybe some insurance, like some car insurance. Oh, no bills, electricity, you know, maybe an electricity bill, a hundred bucks. So, but then some people were like the only amount that's going to make a positive difference is like $10,000, like, come on and you want to invest zero.

Yeah. All right. Yeah. See, don't ask us why you're not successful. Just look in the mirror and be honest with yourself. I mean, it's, it's plain Jane, but you guys would not believe how many people think like this. You know, it's like at the end of the day, if you're not ready to invest, whether it's financially, whether it's energy time, whether it's studying, whether it's burning the midnight oil and taking risks, then you might want to wait.

You might want to. You know, work a job get some disposable income, get some savings and then take the leap when you have a little more resources, you know, to play around with. But anyway,  not to digress too much, but let's, let's move on. 

Affiliate Mistake #4 Getting Discouraged

Kit 25:59

The next mistake is getting discouraged, getting discouraged just after a couple of months in.

You know, doing, say affiliate, marketing, wherever your business is, and we definitely see this a lot with people that go, Hey, I started three months ago, I'm getting nowhere. Should it. And then trying to create a whole new website is a time to create a whole new business, you know?

Odi 26:18

Yeah. I mean this one's really tough because we've seen comments and messages that are like, I've been doing this for three weeks. I have no sales is it's time to panic or, you know, I feel like quitting. It's like, dude, are you serious? Like really? Like, you're that sort of like, weak-willed like three weeks and you're throwing in the towel. I mean, at the end of the day, Hey, 90% fail.

So the market is self-correcting, it's healthy. It takes care of itself. Like people show themselves at the door, which is good because imagine a hundred percent of people were like competitive all the time. Re everyone, everyone stayed in the game, man, that would be a lot harder to do our job if everybody stayed competitive, but they don't.

Fast easy, you know, it's like, all right, the experts or not the experts, but the people who are experienced and who, you know, who really want this. I mean, they're not going to let things slow them down. Like a couple of weeks, a couple of months, even years of not seeing the progress they want to see because they buy into the long-term vision and, you know, they don't get too distracted by little things in the short term that if it's not you know, feeding into your overall goal of what you want, let's say 10 years from now, Then don't do it, even if it's shiny.

And if there's, you know, promising a little more money in the short term, like don't do it. If it costs your freedom and it costs your, again, your long-term vision of what you want out of life, what you want to be doing every day. If it's not contributing to that, then you really have to say no to it. So,   you know, again, like getting discouraged, see, this is more psychological, this is not.

It's not really like with the business tactics, it's more psychological and it's you know, and also people just like, they have this thinking that it's like, oh, if this isn't making me money tomorrow, then like it's a fail. Or like, you know what I mean? They're just, they, they expect a guarantee. Like I'm gonna put a thousand bucks in.

I need to begin $2,000 next month or else, you know what I mean? It's like, come on, man. That's not how this game works. The way the game works is you keep putting. That thousand dollars, you know, maybe every month and then in month 12, it finally breaks even. And then after that, it doubles it triples, quadruples your investment.

 That's how these internet businesses work and how exponential things grow. And the good news is good. Things grow 10 times faster. Bad things, you know, bad news gets spread 10 times faster than before because of social media and the internet.   but on the flip side, it's never been easier. I think, you know, it's never been easier.

I mean, there's never been more competition. So in one way you could argue, it's never been harder every day as we get more and more players in the game. But also it's like, it's never been easier to start. It's never been easier to get.   you have so many resources and info and tools in front of you and so much amazing software that would save you literally months, months of time.

And it's like, if you can't take advantage of that stuff, then again,  you know, you might not be. You might not be ready yet.

Affiliate Mistake #5 Trying to Scale Before You're Ready

Kit 29:15

Yeah. And this, this final one, we touched on a little bit already in terms of freelancers, but it's trying to scale before you're ready. So kind of tying in with too broad, a niche, but, but mostly it's, you know, someone they just started yesterday and there's suddenly going, okay.

So I just have to, I can just drop $10,000 on paid ads right now. And I'm just gonna hire a bunch of random people to write a hundred pieces of content. I'm good. Right. You know, and, and that's just not going to get you where you want to go.

Odi 29:41

Yeah. So. You want to start with the free stuff like organic SEO, you know, creating your own content, doing your own research.

You want to learn these things yourself, even if you're not the best, even if you don't want to write in the long term, you want to at least learn the ropes so that when you do hire, you do outsource, you at least can be. Editor. And then you can look through their content and know if it's good or bad.

That's the key. You need to get your skills up first before you start outsourcing and hiring.   I've heard conflicting things like some people will say, you should outsource this stuff. You're not good at some people will say you should outsource the stuff you're actually good at, because again, you'll be a good editor.

Like if I'm a good one. And I hire someone to create content. I can easily judge, whether it's good or bad content. Like for example, if you don't know how to code and you hire a developer, how do you know if they're doing a good or bad job you don't. So it's really useful to be well-versed in things and to learn things so that you can be a good judge and make sure.

 You're getting good quality work. And that requires you have to kind of, you know, wear many different hats, which everyone does in the beginning. Trust me, everybody is, you know, the CEO, the CTO, the marketer, the CMO that they're everything, you know, in your business, you're just, you're by yourself and you can't afford to hire or to have any other employees. So basically I think, you know, start with the free stuff, start with learning  SEO, trying SEO and organic traffic and building that up before you do the paid ads, the people who don't know what they're doing, and they want to just hammer, you know, brute force their way to,   things like paid ads.

They generally just throw money out the window because. Anyone who's done paid ads and has done it full time. Been paid for it has managed large campaigns. You know, that it's a lot of it's experimentation and they require so many skills. Like there's the content creation, there's copywriting, there's targeting, there's retargeting.

There's, you know, there's so much that you have to learn and put together and the stars have to align to once the stars align. That's when you have a profitable campaign. Profitable campaign. When you put $1 in, you get $2 out. That is what everybody is, you know, that's what you literally would pay someone for to manage full time and to get for you.

  If you can't afford to do that, which most people who are just beginners, you can't afford to pay an agency, you know, 2000, $3,005,000 a month, basically. You know, if you can't do that, which I don't recommend you do, then you need to at least learn how to do these things yourself at a smaller scale. So, yeah, I definitely think when it comes to like pay dads or just like rushing, you know, wanting to wind to just pay your way into it,   it generally doesn't work out and you'll get discouraged.

You'll quit. You'll be like, I wasted five grand on this. It didn't work for me, but yeah. Well, if you knew what you were doing, then, you know, you would, you would have a much, much higher chance.   yeah, it's just, it's unfortunate, but again, I think like you need to learn things kind of in order. Okay. But everyone has different preferences.

I mean, at them the day, some people are just built for paid ads. Some people are more built for organic and SEO. I always recommend the free route first, just cause I'm I know if it's because I'm cheap or cause you to know, I always think very budget-minded, but like. You don't, you have nothing to lose with things like SEO, but also your best customers are going to come from SEO.

And unlike paid ads where if you stop running ads, you stop getting traffic SEO. You stop writing. After you've built up a nice,   you know, the base of content back-links domain rating. You're going to continue to get SEO, traffic of super-targeted warm customers who are searching for your product or service.


Awesome. And I just want to take some time to, to let people know. I know we're gone for some too for two weeks, but there were some benefits. So we just opened a whole new suite of features for Wizrd. So we have, you mentioned retargeting. So we now Facebook pixel Google pixel, Google tag manager, got Twitter embeds on the blog posts that look really nice. You can have a really nice-looking blog post with those right now and a whole bunch of other stuff. So definitely if you haven't tried it out yet, make sure you go to give it a try.


Yeah, a hundred percent. We were busy. Honestly, the reason why as we were doing a lot of stuff for Wizrd whether it was released like Kit said, you know, Google Analytics, Facebook pixel, Google tag manager, more business-focused features that are intent on growing your website and traffic. But then in addition to that, we've also been starting out our affiliate program.

We have some amazing partnerships with big influencers and affiliate marketers that are coming very soon. We're so excited for, so all that stuff has kept us so busy. I'm really bummed. We broke our streak. We were hitting one episode a week despite being busy with so much going on, you know, YouTube was the first to go guys, as you know, I'm in the moment, things get busy, YouTube just gets punted first.

The podcasts love, you know, I love these little snippets and I love that, you know, Thousands of people listening. Thank you guys so much for tuning in. If you guys do enjoy the podcast, make sure to drop a five-star review on Apple podcast. It means the world to us. If you have any questions, make sure that email,   or, you know, again, in your review, you can ask us anything and we can talk about it on future episodes.

So with that said, hope you guys have a great rest of your week and have a fantastic weekend. We'll catch you guys. Hopefully next week